A baby....a precious little being. Thier perfect little fingers and toes are counted right after they are born. Something many of us may take for granted.....our fingers and toes. These are the many things that help us with our daliy lives and our talents. Talent isn't something that we are born with, I believe, however, that we are born with a creative side that needs nuturing in order to survive. This is an opportunity to help us grow. There are many things that we are born with and unaware of, opportunities that we have for the rest of our lives. Our creative side shouldn't be taken for granted, but yet should be appreciated. It is a way to express ourselves, whether as an outlet or as a means for financial security, it helps us be who we are.
It is also important to appreciate the talents in others, what helps build thier character. For 2010, perhaps we can focus more on ourselves and others, to show our appreciation to our loved ones, to appreciate what we all have to offer in this world, and to appreciate our surroundings that God had given to us.
Happy New Year, may this year be the most prosperous for everyone!